This has to be the coolest video I’ve ever taken.  We were lucky enough to see this amazing bald eagle in a tree before it flew away right down the river.  Since I’m trying to be more in the moment once I caught this I put my camera down and we saw at least 5 more of them flying around.  It was something that I will never forget.

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Google Maps API KEY is missing
[special_heading2 title_content= “WATCH THE VIDEO” h_tag= “h3” title_color= “rgba(0,128,129,1)” border_color= “#232323” border_thickness= “5” padding= ‘{“d”:”20px 30px 20px 30px”}’ margin= ‘{“d”:””}’ title_alignment= “center” hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “none” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” separator_thickness= “1” key= “g4e3y1cb0hcj8bq5”][/special_heading2]

One of my favorite things about Colorado are the outdoor adventures we’ve been able to have here.  I knew that we’d have more chances to enjoy the outdoors (more than NYC) but a few of the things we’ve encountered and experienced have been things to check off a bucket list.

The Upper Colorado is an easy float trip and since we haven’t bought a new boat we max out at 4 people and a Hapa (who is totally over rafting BTW).It really was the prefect day on the way since it was sooooo hot.  The tubes were tied to the boat and they got a lot of use.

We stopped at one of the unused campsites and had our packed lunch and it gave Hapa a chance to enjoy the water and splash around before she had to encounter the white water that was coming up.  Really it’s one rapid that freaks her out to no end.

There will be another post where you can see just how much Hapa loves to be in the raft.  Rule #1 is stay in the boat but she’s not very good at following rules.

Want to know where you can see a Bald Eagle?  Click here to find the best places to see them  in Colorado