[special_heading5 title_content= “DO YOU” h_tag= “h1” title_color= “rgba(190,216,216,1)” caption_content= “LOVE THEM OR HATE THEM” caption_font= “special” caption_color= “rgba(0,128,129,1)” title_alignment= “center” hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “none” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ margin= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” divider_style= “both” divider_color= “#efefef” key= “g4pr2i0i15ekwrhy”][/special_heading5]

I don’t really have an opinion on them.  I have yet to have a real face to face interview where I was asked to complete a whiteboard challenge. According to the podcast below people have a strong opinion.  No matter what side you agree with.

I love my whiteboard in general. I use it all the time to flesh out ideas and configure random sticky’s into groups.   From what I listened to today I need to find some exercises and get practicing.

In Person Whiteboard Challenge 

To be honest the thought of a whiteboard challenge gives me a slight panic attack.   I hate standing in front of a group of people I don’t know anyway.  My introvert side really hates that.  I can force myself but if it’s the first time I’ve met you and we haven’t spend 10-15 minutes getting to know each other I might be a tad awkward.  

[special_heading5 title_content= “GAME PLAN” h_tag= “h1” title_color= “rgba(190,216,216,1)” caption_content= “MY PROCESS TO LEARN & GROW” caption_font= “special” caption_color= “rgba(0,128,129,1)” title_alignment= “center” hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “none” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ margin= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” divider_style= “both” divider_color= “#efefef” key= “g4pr2i0mknenrkt0”][/special_heading5]

Obviously the first place I checked was YouTube.  There are a few videos but not as many as I would have thought.  I guess that’s something I could create that would be a help to people.  There was an article that they mentioned in the podcast, I have it linked, but that led me to the video below.

I’ve been finding in my interview prep the best way to handle behavioral questions is to have a structure in place so you can answer the question but still also show what you learned and how you grew from the experience. 

I never put it together but I see it’s the same for beating the whiteboard.  Make sure you define the problem, learn more about the user,  create a design story, draw out the user flow and basic wireframes to outline the user interface.

I feel that when you break it into sections like that no challenge will get away from you.  

[special_heading2 title_content= “LEARN” h_tag= “h3” title_color= “rgba(0,128,129,1)” border_color= “rgba(190,216,216,1)” border_thickness= “5” padding= ‘{“d”:”20px 30px 20px 30px”}’ margin= ‘{“d”:””}’ title_alignment= “center” hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “none” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” separator_thickness= “1” key= “g4pr2i0njt26dl2x”][/special_heading2]